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I have a few good friends on steroids

I have a few good friends on steroids and they have turned into real assholes. I am very curious if while you did steroids and if you have a wife if she noticed you change? An if you did do you remember it and was it hard for you to stop? Please reply. 

- Dee, e-mail

> Hi Dee,

I am happy to reply to your question but I must stress that any rant that I go on is not directed at yourself, but at the ignorance that is the norm regarding steroids and bodybuilding in general.

Your question is simple, but the answer can be seen to be complicated and given so as to misguide the reader but I can assure you that it is not intended to.

Most people who do not train or, for the purposes of this explanation, do not use best dianabol tablets, seem to think that hard drug users are in the same category as steroid users, or to better explain it they feel that users of “gear” (steroids) go through the same addictive nightmares as do the cocaine or heroin users for example.

You see, unless there are certain areas in this world where steroids are made in a different way and actually make “assholes” of their users, or certain types of steroids from other parts of the world that instantly make total dick heads out of non steroid users to turn them into raging monsters as opposed to the steroids that I have used, then what I have been using these last 30 years have been total shit!
I can absolutely confirm and assure you that is not so.

What I am trying to get to is that it amazes me just how the simplest steroids have changes men into monsters when the same steroid has not even given a hard on to those people that I have seen use the GENUINE item!

In most cases (but not all) first time users of the gear actually believe that unless they do experience the side effects then the steroids are not working – or so they believe.

I have seen total prick dicks take anavar (as an example) and feel that unless they are shouting and raving at everyone at home, in the gym or in the car they do not feel part of the “clan”.

Now what they ARE part of is the clan of the total fucking nutcase BEFORE they took the gear and they are looking for an audience and when nothing happens to their bodies, they do not grow, they are idle, lazy and basically fucking shit, they blame the gear – they always do and always will!
These people really piss me off BIG style.

Dee, I can say with my hand on my heart that I have been married for nearly 30 years (nearly) and been training for most of my life.
I have taken gear for many of those years and NEVER have I needed to take the gear, EVER! I do not crave steroids and I only use them when I feel a little “bump” is needed to kick start slow gains into new growth, but I do not know anyone who has become addicted to steroids.
Now… there may be people, well there ARE people that are addicted to training, but in all honesty NO one I know has ever felt the need to go out and shoot steroids for kicks!

But unfortunately there are those people who get angry at anything, argue for the smallest reason and punch the shit out of you at the slightest opportunity, now these are the people that need to stay away from the gear, seriously.
These type of people are prone to ANYTHING making them angry and gear would be just the excuse that they need.
Basically if your few good friends have turned into ass holes then they need to check their gear source or check that they were really not ass holes to start with.

Plus, if they give the excuse that they are addicted and cannot stop, tell them that they are also a bunch of dick heads.
